Developmental Projects
The Organizations first targeted project is that of Eufaula Cove facilities.

Establish a qualified project for Eufaula Cove facilities, that will be accepted by City of Eufaula and eligible for federal matching funds.

1. Increased and improved parking facilities.
2. Improved weigh-in facilities. (Existing facilities too far from waters edge).
3. Provide more docking.

Actions taken:
1. Multiple meetings with Chamber of Commerce, concerning a co-operative, working agreement  for such projects.
2. Working co-junctively with Gene Gilliland of ODWC for a proper assessment and resolution, concerning City of Eufaula's objectives and co-operativeness on the above goals.
3. Met with Oklahoma Anglers Unlimited, discussing the possibility of a joint effort in certain developmental areas. Present plans are being looked at for installing permanent weigh-in tanks with running water and electricity.

Problem issues:
1. Projects to qualify for federal assistance must be open for public use and the means for maintaining of such, and we have concerns as to the impact of longturn goals along with the City of Eufaula's commercialism goals.

Project Status Update:
A change in City head of Office, has improved the intentions of both parties on improved facilities. Don Nichols, along with ODWC fishing bioligist, Gene Gilliland, are re-examining what can be trully achieved.
OTAA Donated $10,000 to the more immediate needs in the facility. The facility now provides just in excess of 100 parking spaces along with pavilion improvements.